SpotlightMy Adventures with Superman: A Fresh Take on the Iconic Man of Steel: Review"Witness Clark Kent's transformation into Superman, Metropolis's guardian, as he struggles to embrace his destiny." My Adventures with...
SpotlightBased On A True Story: A Dark Hilarious Dive Into Marriage and Our Obsession With Murder. Kaley Cuoco, Chris Messina, and Tom Bateman created intriguing characters that at times made the series feel like a light-hearted drama
SpotlightClass Of '09 Is A Smartly Layered Dystopian Thriller With An Impressive Cast: ReviewClass Of '09 follows FBI agents Tayo, Poet, Hour, and Lennix, whose careers along with the Bureau's complex history told..
SpotlightFreevee's Newest Family Comedy Primo Is A Great Call Back To Sitcoms Like Family Ties and Roseanne.Created by New York Times best-selling author and journalist Shea Serrano, Primo is a coming-of-age family comedy inspired by Serrano's life